For those who are waiting for autumn to arrive (or to peak) before heading for the high country, there is news. IT’S HAPPENING! We have watched the colors creeping in around the verges of the campsite and have seen patches of glorious color in the hills we passed through yesterday, but today, conclusive proof.
We headed to Bays Mountain Park, a long mountain overlooking Kingsport Tennessee. They professed to have wolves and otters and such in “habitats” as well as miles of hiking and mountain biking trails. The enclosures were a bit disappointing – most zoos are, especially for Wolves and deer which should be free to range wild and find their food, not be reduced to bare spaces and feed troughs.
The Raptor enclosures were nicely done and t
We met Yoda, the Screech Owl preparing to be weighed and fussed over.
It was threatening rain, but we were entranced by the autumn colors and wandered all around the lake on graveled roads and single track trails.
The munchies were getting us, so we tracked down the food mecca in Kingsport. After discussing all the offerings, we opted for the place that could sate all our appetites at a bargain price –The Early Bird Geriatric Buffet at GOLDEN CORAL.
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