It’s been quiet and not too remarkable for the last couple days. (Are you sitting on the edge of your computer chair NOW?) It has been cool and sunny and we have been finding small chores and small adventures to fill our days. Many small Airstream repairs have been accomplished as well as routine laundry and such. We are getting tired of hearing we should see the view from the Pinnacle, so we did.
Called the Gibraltar of America, this position commands access to the Gap and Powell valley. Both sides in the Civil War held it a couple
Did meet this hippie chick up there…awesome….
We had to render tribute to the Postal service in Middleboro and nearby found the Old Carnegie Library building which now houses the local Historical Society. There we learned:
- Middleboro is the only town in America situated in a meteor crater. We mentioned Wetumpka Alabama, but further research may be required…
- The history of the “Lost Squadron” –- planes which crash landed in Greenland in 1942. They weren’t actually lost at the time, just out of fuel and landing fields, but the planes were under 236 feet of ice when a local Middleboro man funded an expedition to recover one. It was restored and flew again.
- Oh yes. Chad Everett, the Six Million Dollar Man is a native…. OK, gotta go…..
This morning we walked through sun dappled hardwoods listening to the birds and trying to identify all the different nut crops along the trail. It is all second growth around here, but the variety is amazing. We climbed a narrowing gorge with broken rock faces on each side until we found the entrances to the cave.
We knew the cave would be closed, but enjoyed a pleasant lunch on the bridge, talking quietly as is our wont. Along came a doe and two fawns, looked us over and passed along. A very nice quiet afternoon.
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