I guess we are beached out. We let the “golden Hour” for photos slip away as we played in the AC. Reports from the hurricane zone weren’t terrible, but lots of trees down and standing water around the house in New Jersey. Tim, we really wish you were here and not having to deal with that!
We all wore the tie dye that Emilyn lovingly crafted and distributed to us the first night and Cassie’s bracelet that she handed out the last full night with everybody.They matched the colors of the tie dye t-shirt!! We made quite an impression at the beachside.
Anthony has been cracking us up mimicking everybody and playing games like hide and go seek. Anthony can’t stay hidden long; he always comes out or makes a big noise!! LOL!! I love him!
I also found out Anthony is very ticklish and that he wants Emilyn’s iPad since Emilyn let him play on it. Anthony also helps Meme win the card games by holding the important cards and drawing cards from the deck making sure Meme doesn't give away the good cards like she has done a couple of times . Now when Meme is usually talking to herself she has an excuse to say she is talking to Anthony.
The waves were so big yesterday! There was even an undertow so I had to go out in the water with daddy and he would help us not get pulled away! Emilyn and I would both try to swim against the undertow but the furthest we got without being really tired was like 5-10 yards !! But not to worry he made sure we would not get past him. He said that we couldn’t go boogie-boarding on the towering 5-10 ft. waves (even though I wanted to boogie-board them so so much!! ) Well that is all of Cassie’s comments I’ll try and blog later !! bye!!
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