Monday, March 10, 2014


 Eric was climbing the long shallow hill to the campground when we slipped by his loaded touring bike.  He was still grinning after 85+ miles.  In the campground, we enjoyed hearing about a lifetime of cycling adventures -- a full year around the world with his wife, big loops out Washington DC and this trip from the Keys to Silver Springs Maryland.

Eric packing in the early morning fog and demonstrating the super lite gear (and sunny disposition) which allows him to cycle tour while the rest of us are holed up in a motel or camper.

On this day's ride Eric encountered a Polish gentleman who claimed to have been the US Olympic Cycling team coach.  We pooled our vast encyclopedic knowledge (and then checked Wikipedia) to discover that he had indeed shared the trail with the great Eddie Borysewicz .




1 comment:

  1. Eric was lucky to run into you since it sounded like he enjoyed meeting you. (This is his former biking partner and current - for the past 25 years - wife.). Great blog entry!
