What many of us yearn for (and some lucky few of us enjoy) is the confidence of a partner so assured of our skills and judgment that she dozes complacently while we climb thousands of feet of tortuous rain-slick mountain roads in fog which reduces visibility to 200 feet. Then, some of us have a partner so doped up on cough medicine and so achey from days of coughing that she has lost some her will to live.
Regardless, the return to our Davidson River campsite was grey and dismal but essentially uneventful, until we arrived at Cold Mountain. The fog lifted and we pulled into the Overlook to check a few things in the trailer. Returning, Al noticed a single car and a small wedding party already in mid-ceremony. An eloquent celebrant, two witnesses (perhaps parents), a handsome groom and gorgeous bride braving the blustery weather and both looking past the preacher to the unfolding vista from 5000 feet along the Blue Ridge.
Sure, there must be a story here, but we were loath to interrupt. Al snapped a few pictures, mostly of the back of heads and left a card. Patty watched from the warmth of the car and accepted Al’s theory that this is the way all couples in the witness protection program get married.
We settled into our familiar Laurel Loop and did the usual and time-consuming laundry/groceries/fuel dance at our now familiar places in Brevard. Just as Al was recognizing the first flurry of cold symptoms and Patty was declaring herself quarantined from the planned festivities with the Someday ‘59 clan, the mirror-like gleam of their fully restored 1959 Airstream Overlander glides past our windows. There was much excited babbling and story exchanging while both oldsters with the hacking coughs tried to remain a respectful distance and Patty resisted laying hugs on the three wonderful kids. (Reports from Airstream rallies often refer to these kids (in astonished tones) as “well-behaved” but they are SO SO much more.) Suffice it to say that this is our favorite young family and they hold their place in this treatise on Marital Bliss because at mid marriage they have thoughtfully chosen paths that make sense for them and work together to make all their dreams come true. There is no fog here. They open themselves to a world of new experiences, but judiciously select only what leads to their dreams. It is a pure delight to watch them interact with each other and with the big wide world they are Airstreaming through.
follow along on the Someday'59 adventures
“George” , our camp host, has owned three Airstreams, so we share a common bond and we both have a few proud grandfather tales to tell as well. George announced yesterday that he was celebrating his 62nd wedding anniversary. He and his bride have crossed this country and Canada many times and perhaps experienced some of their own “foggy days”, but he seems to be pretty clear to me. He hasn’t offered any advice on Marital bliss but I’m pretty sure a sense of humor ranks high.
“ I have to break this off,” he told me this morning, “ I have a young wife that needs my attentions before I go on gate duty.”
So Melissa and Jerry, you have already shown us your ability to find a sunny spot amid the fog and rain to make your dreams come true. Keep it up and don’t doubt each other…