Yes, without much preamble, Patty and Al are loose on the road again. Our interlude in Montgomery was blessed with great weather, way too much yard work, some nice family time and great visits from Yankees migrating North from their winter roosts.
On the anniversary of last year’s tragic Tornadoes, we were loading, polishing Lotti, shivering and cheering at night softball games. Go Sliders!
Al has a new Ipad and tried to bring our Fourteener along as operator/instructor but multiple engagements precluded this. She is available for electronic consultation, and this is deeply appreciated. Thanks, Em.
NO BIKES: Patty’s shoulder is still troublesome and painful after a round of chiropractic for the pinched nerve. The nerve is better, but the underling ..itis has limited her range of motion, so we are leaving the bikes at home, icing the shoulder at intervals and doing a few recommended exercises. I missed the picture last evening of Patty leaning against a tree, fly rod in hand, doing her ”exercises.”
Editorial note: As I try to get the blog caught up on the morning of our fourth day on the road, there will be a slight pause, because the lady of the house WANTS TO GO FISHING! Can any man be so lucky?
Our first day we towed to Fort Mountain
State Park near Chatsworth Georgia staying clear of Interstate highways, trying to learn to navigate on an Ipad. Mountain is the operative word here as the road climbs rather directly up to 2850’. The digital transmission temp gauge was showing numbers we had never seen before; sometimes we get just too much information.
The Campground is really well designed to fit into uneven ground near a mountaintop lake. The construction is solid and everything well maintained. We chose ours from nearly a
hundred empty sites because our new neighbors, P.O. and Debbie, gave a friendly greeting. Sharing a campfire with them was a real treat.
Next morning we were off to see the “Fort” part. There is an 835’ stone wall near the military crest of the hill and theories on the origins range from ancient white “moon eyed” people to Welsh explorers in the fourteenth century. Paths circle it and we theorized along with the professionals. Winds on the sturdy overlooks were near 30 MPH on the west side, but the winds dropped as we circled the peak and explored the wall and the Stone Tower built by the CCC’
Once again we find ourselves in the mountains before the Rhododendrons begin, but we may just wait them out this time.
So excited to see another post, I've been checking since we saw you in St Louis! Tell Aunt Pat to keep up the shoulder exercises and let me know if she has questions!